Providing solutions for specific photography related problems is my strength. Effective cross-cultural communication allows for a good understanding of the clients challenges and builds a basis for close cooperation with their staff and stakeholders. My technical expertise combined with decades of experience and a solid network of regional and international contacts has allowed me to develop custom solutions for my clients.
An overseas client with a large film archive of hundreds of thousands of images and recent years digital captures was looking to integrate all images into a customized digital asset management system for company wide retrieval. The initial assessment revealed that equipment and workstations required upgrades and that additional staff had to be hired and trained. While production continued with over 1,000 images created and processed daily, close cooperation with department heads at all stages assured very little disruptions to operations. On the job staff training led to significant improvements in the quality of the image capture, very efficient file processing and a professional digital workflow from input to output.
Implementation Of Professional Image Processing & Digital Asset Management
The client had only a very limited time frame to document a heritage site before major renovation works had to take place. High-resolution images were required from every possible angle (and different elevations) to create a detailed three-dimensional representation of the site with accurate texture mapping. All images were to be taken during normal operation hours therefore the set-up had to be flexible. As an additional feature the client required freeze-action capture, in order to document the publics use of the site. Within ten days, a mobile multi-camera set-up was designed, built, tested and deployed for the use at this overseas site.
Custom Designed Multi-camera Set For High-resolution 360 Degree Freeze Action Photography
Over three decades a non-profit organization had produced and collected documents on ethnic minorities and explored remote regions of Asia. The large quantity of unique and irreplaceable film images, video and artifacts was kept in several locations without a coherent system of organisation. The longterm survival of this collection was under threat due to improper storage conditions and the lack of easy access to the material hampered its use for publication and research. The chairman of the board initiated the project of setting up an archive office to efficiently digitize and then archival store the film based images. A digital asset management system was implemented to integrate newer digital images with the digitized film images and to track the use. In addition, the website of the organization required a complete re-design in order to reflect the wide range of activities and projects undertaken.
Archive Office Set-up With Storage, Slide Digitization, Data Storage, Custom iPod App & Website